Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Baby Bratsmas #3

Verdict is in. It is a girl! I was a little nervous to tell Bentley because he has been asking for a baby brother. After I told him he got a little pouty face and said, "oh man, I wanted a baby boy." It looked like he was going to cry for a minute but then he started playing with his toy....the attention span of a four year old I guess. So far this pregnancy has been rolling on by.....eating more, gaining weight, feeling tired and nauseous. I think it has gone fast because we are scared to death to have 3....any advise is gladly accepted. I recently went shopping in Rexburg and actually felt pretty normal having two kids climbing in and out of the cart, running away from me and saying they want everything they see, instead of having the typical glare of and you are having another one!!! Everyone keeps telling me 3 is the hardest. I believe them, but isn't whatever you are dealing with at the time the hardest. I guess we'll see soon enough.

1 comment:

Heath694 said...

Chanel, firt of all, congratulations. I love the title of this post...hilarious! Second, I have to say in my experience, 3 was much easier than 2. Maybe that's because my Olivia was plagued with horrible colic the first 6 months...who knows? Anyway, you'll be fine and Bentley will be a huge help. I hope you'll be pleasantly surprised!