Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Lyla is almost 1 years old!!!

Lyla can now crawl all over the place. She was already so little and skinny but is now getting skinnier with the added exercise.  Hopefully, she will start eating more....I am sure when we go to the doctor next they will tell me she is off the charts like Bentley was.   She loves looking at the family photos on the wall.  She points to them and tries to say their names.  She says her own name the best, but I am sure I am the only one that knows she is saying it.  Before she goes to bed she has to point to all the photos in her room and say night night.  Like most babies that start to crawl she loves opening draws, cupboards, or whatever is at her level and take all the items out.  She also puts them back some of the time, which I am hoping means she will like to clean.  Lyla is a sweet and lovable baby. She will go to almost any grownup and not cry.  I think she feels safe with adults since she knows what her two sibling are capable of.  They are always picking her up, dragging her across the floor and kissing and squeezing her to death.  We are excited for Lyla to turn one and start walking and talking.  It will be an adventure for sure.

1 comment:

staceygriff said...

what a beauty. we miss you guys. Hope you are all doing well. Give Lyla a hug and kiss from us.