Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Just the Two of Us!

Well it wasn't just us, we went with a couple of friends to Victoria, but we all left our kids with babysitters.  The city was beautiful and it was fun to hang with some friends from our ward the Beans and Staples.  Tyler is a pilot so we got to fly in a little plane over the Canadian border and stay the night.  The plane ride was scarey, but the views were amazing.  I never realized how many islands there are in Washington, but you wouldn't really know unless you were able to fly over.  Marc, Alex, and Megan each took turns taking off and landing the plane during our different stops.  Each time we took off Tanya closed her eyes and put her head down which made me so nervous since she is the Pilot's wife.  We all made it safely home and had a great time eating, talking, and walking around all the pretty sites. 

1 comment:

staceygriff said...

that makes me laugh about Tanya! I love Victoria. I'm so jealous.